Transportation & Livable Communities

A man driving a car Placeholder

Transportation is critical to everyday life. More than simply getting from point A to point B, transportation is the key to independence, freedom and meaningful engagement for older people. Sponsored by the US Department of Transportation New England University Transportation Center, the insurance industry, Santos Family Foundation, automobile industry, pharmaceutical manufacturers and selected governments around the world, the AgeLab's transportation research addresses transportation safety, the impacts of health, wellness and medication use on operator performance, personal transportation choices, future travel demand, the promise and trade-offs of new technologies in the automobile, vehicle services and design, and mobility alternatives in the context of livable communities across ages in the United States and around the world.


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AgeLab's research about transportation and livable communities spans a variety of topics. Learn about some of our projects here.

Black car with AgeLab sticker on its door

Advanced Vehicle Technology (AVT) Consortium

Woman drives MIT AgeLab car in driving simulator

Advanced Human Factors Evaluation for Automotive Demand (AHEAD) Consortium

Volvo steering wheel and dashboard

Economics and Policies of a Highly Automated Mobility System


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AgeLab researchers use a range of methods to understand people's attitudes and experiences.

Researchers wearing the AGNES suit near an AgeLab car

AGNES (Age Gain Now Empathy System)

Man sitting at a computer monitoring the driving controls

Delayed Digit Recall (n-back) Task

Researcher using a driving simulator

Miss Daisy

Various objects - a coffee mug, a jigsaw puzzle, legos, and stressballs - all branded with MIT AgeLab branding.


The MIT AgeLab collaborates with its sponsors to conduct research to develop original insights, data and platforms for innovation.

Library shelves containing dozens of published journals.


AgeLab research papers on a range of associated themes.


Meet everyone
Photo of Bryan Reimer

Bryan Reimer

Photo of Bruce Mehler

Bruce Mehler

Photo of Pnina Gershon

Pnina Gershon

Photo of Alea Mehler

Alea Mehler

Photo of

Photo of Chaiwoo Lee

Chaiwoo Lee

Photo of Joseph F. Coughlin

Joseph F. Coughlin

Photo of Samantha Brady

Samantha Brady